Looking for a Yankee Swap gift?

Those last-minute gifts are always a pain! Check out these BEAUTIFUL 3 pack Backyadda Glass Table Top Torches! They can be used inside or out depending on the fuel you put in them! Here is a Quick Guide: https://fireflyfuel.com/picking-right-fuel-job These Torches have Amazon PRIME available!!! Grab & Go here: https://www.amazon.com/Stylish-Torches-Torches-Exclusively-Backyadda/dp/B08MWVTLPM/?maas=maas_adg_80DAA3DF57B36F22CDFB5F5AA1804903_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&ref=sr_1_9&dchild=1&m=A105JXUTQJ82QI&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&qid=1628866568&s=merchant-items&sr=1-9
Which Fuel to use for bamboo torches

When it comes to fuel, you get what you pay for. Cheap fuels will smoke too much even if you don’t have too much wick exposed. Cheap fuels can also clog even a high-end fiberglass wick, causing it to act as a cheap cotton wick. Cheap fuels can also simply smell bad… A few fuel companies stand […]