Looking for a Yankee Swap gift?
Those last-minute gifts are always a pain! Check out these BEAUTIFUL 3 pack Backyadda Glass Table Top Torches! They can be used inside or out depending on the fuel you put in them! Here is a Quick Guide: https://fireflyfuel.com/picking-right-fuel-job These Torches have Amazon PRIME available!!! Grab & Go here: https://www.amazon.com/Stylish-Torches-Torches-Exclusively-Backyadda/dp/B08MWVTLPM/?maas=maas_adg_80DAA3DF57B36F22CDFB5F5AA1804903_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&ref=sr_1_9&dchild=1&m=A105JXUTQJ82QI&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&qid=1628866568&s=merchant-items&sr=1-9
Thinking about summer?
With the cold weather❄❄ already here, remind them of the warmer weather this Holiday season with Backyadda Bamboo Torches! Great gifts for ANYONE on your list! https://www.amazon.com/Star-North-Decorative-Tiki-Style-Extra-Large/dp/B07CZWM9VF?maas=maas_adg_CAC6F725B9EE8C24D40D8B9D8B7FD310_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas